General overview and useful links for my digital workflow setup.
Reference manager: Zotero
- Possible to have both installed on same device accessing same files, but I ran into issues with conflicting extensions so I generally only use Zotero 7
Zotero core setup & guides
- Zotero Connector Chrome extension: auto pull paper metadata and PDF from webpage
- Using Zotero with Google Docs
- Zotero Word Plugin
Tutorial: The Best Reference Manager Setup (Zotero + ZotFile + Cloud Storage)
- Zotero only has 300 MB cloud storage on its free tier! I highly recommend to set up cloud storage for storing PDFs from the start.
- Slightly outdated tutorial, should work okay for Zotero 6
Filename renaming template:
{{ firstCreator case="snake"}}{{ year suffix="_"prefix="_" }}{{ title truncate="80" case="snake"}}
Zotero extensions
- Better BibTeX for Zotero: bibliographic data management utilities, especially useful for citekey formulas
- Current citekey formula:
auth.lower + '_' + shorttitle(1,1).lower + '_' + year
- Current citekey formula:
- Zotero Attanger (Zotero 7): basically the auto move and rename file function from ZotFile
- ZotFile (Zotero 6 only): auto move and rename file, send / retrieve PDF from tablet (a bit finnicky), not maintained anymore
- File renaming rule:
- File renaming rule:
Currently not used:
- Better Notes for Zotero: improved notetaking within Zotero
- Export from Better Notes markdown to Zotero has been kinda wonky so sticking to base Zotero notetaking for now, which has been regularly getting updates and new features
Digital notes & brain: Obsidian
Obsidian vault is currently stored in my Google Drive / cloud storage and periodically backed up to GitHub repository.
Obsidian extensions / plugins
- Obsidian Git: back up entire vault to a GitHub repository
- Obsidian Zotero Integration
- Easily add cite-key & citations from Zotero, import notes & metadata as templated LitNotes
- Danny Hatcher: Zotero Obsidian Integration LitNotes overview
- Alexandra Phelan: An Updated Academic Workflow: Zotero & Obsidian
- Obsidian Pandoc Reference List
- Templater: template plugin that can execute JavaScript code, can automate creation of daily notes
To-do list: Todoist
\(\LaTeX\) compiler: VSCode w/ LaTeX Workshop
PPspliT: PowerPoint add-in that splits animations steps into separate slides for ease of export to PDF